The Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network is composed of scholars, non-governmental and governmental organizations, and stakeholders working towards sustainability of mountain environments and communities worldwide. Our guiding questions include: How will mountains respond to gradual and abrupt changes impacting land, water, peoples, and livelihoods? Will they be resilient and continue to deliver vital ecosystem services? What transformations are needed and which adaptation pathways lead to healthy and desired futures across mountain regions worldwide?

We are using coupled models to explore current and future conditions and as tools for communication, learning, and decision-making. We are identifying best practices for successful transdisciplinary approaches effectively linking science with policy and practice to better address critical challenges and problems. This international, collaborative process serves as an example for other knowledge-action networks and social-ecological systems seeking to address the “wicked problems” of our time.

Our network goals include:

1. Expand an international network of linked mountain biophysical & social science researchers and diverse stakeholders.

Objective 1. Expand and build new transdisciplinary linkages across the global mountain community.
Objective 2. Increase the diversity of scientists trained in transdisciplinary approaches in mountains.
Objective 3. Augment mountain scientist and stakeholder use of social-ecological models and output globally.

2. Explore & evaluate transdisciplinary modeling frameworks for mountains globally.

Objective 4. Create a digital library of models and scenarios based on global mountain typologies.
Objective 5. Develop a toy model for mountain typologies and standardize datasets for modeling.
Objective 6. Create visualization and decision-support tools for international, mountain stakeholders.
Objective 7. Propose research and synthesis modeling to address gaps in mountain social-ecological models.

3. Promote international, transdisciplinary approaches linking science with policy & practice.

Objective 8. Identify best practices for transdisciplinary approaches linking knowledge with action within global mountain contexts.
Objective 9. Explore how coupled social-ecological models can be a vehicle for achieving collaboration.
Objective 10. Propose cross-regional, transdisciplinary projects on mountain sustainability.

Our network activities include organizing workshops, holding monthly webinar discussions (we call these “Virtual Coffee”), conducting synthesis activities across mountains, inspiring action-oriented science, catalyzing new partnerships, developing educational materials, being a resource for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, talks and multi-media presentations at academic meetings and to the general public.

Our Team

Julia A. Klein
Department of Ecosystem Science & Sustainability
Colorado State University

Anne Nolin
Director, Graduate Program of Hydrologic Science and Professor, Department of Geography
University of Nevada-Reno

Robin Reid
Director and Professor
Center for Collaborative Conservation & Dept. Ecosystem Science & Sustainability
Colorado State University

Samuel Hulsey
Fellowship Coordinator

Cara Steger
Colorado State University

Timberley Roane
Associate Professor
Department of Integrative Biology  
Director, Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands
University of Colorado Denver

Catherine Tucker
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Associate Director of Academic Affairs , Center for Latin American Studies
University of Florida

Dominique David-Chavez
Director of Indigenous Land & Data Stewards Lab and Assistant Professor of Indigenous Natural Resource Stewardship
Colorado State University

Rowena Davis
Program Manager

Jacob Stewart
Community Director

Christina Cavaliere

Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources
Director of Tourism and Conservation Lab 
Colorado State University

Steering Committee

Marty Anderies, Arizona State University, USA
Greg Greenwood, Mountain Research Initiative, Switzerland
Sandra Lavorel, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Aditi Mukherji, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal
Martin Price, Perth College, Scotland

Collaborators & Partners

Social Network Analysis consultant: David Garcia del Amo, Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts, Spain 


Mountain Research Initiative, The Mountain Institute, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, NEON, MtnSEON, Global Mountain Safeguard Research, Albertine Rift Conservation Society, Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands, Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education, High Mountains Adaptation Partnership, Transformation Pathways, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Knowledge for Climate University Partnership, Canadian Mountain Network, International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples, GlacierHub, The Mountain Partnership FAO, Companion Modeling Network

Thank you to the following individuals for photographs on this website:

J.Berger, M.Foggin, K.Hopping, J.Klein, R.Marchant, C.Steger, A.Vitale.