Grassroots Institute Global Network and Grassroots Journal are facilitating a global, hybrid summer field school from 10-19 September, 2022. Below you will find information about the goals, scope, and faculties of the event and if you are interested there is a link below to their registration pages! GOAL OF FSc MER 2023 Building perspectives and capacities of young researchers, PhD [...]
The Perfect Storm Webinar
“We can’t rely on quitting fossil fuels alone to fix the climate and environmental justice crises that we face.” We need another key part of the defense: standing forests. JOIN US on October 6th at 5pm ET OR October 8th at 12pm ET for a one of a kind webinar and expert panel that will address: How false industry solutions [...]
Thinking Mountains Interdisciplinary Summit
Thinking Mountains 2018 will bring researchers, students, and teachers from across the scholarly disciplines into dialogue with activists, artists, Indigenous leaders, and community members, all of whom share a commitment to global mountain sustainability, and to the betterment of mountain peoples, places, and activities. This will be the third interdisciplinary Thinking Mountains gathering. Thinking Mountains 2012 took place at the [...]