Alpine Towns Conference 2022
November 9, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Alpine Towns conference aims to present the main findings from the Ninth Report on the State of the Alps (RSA9) on the topic, and to discuss its implementation in practice. The conference will take place online and interpretation will be available in German, French, Italian, Slovenian and English.
The event is aimed at a wide audience from the international to the local stage: policymakers, academia, professionals from spatial planning, regional economy and environment, and interested lay persons. The conference is divided into five thematic blocks, of which you can also attend just one. Registered participants will receive the participation link ahead of time.
More than two thirds of the population in the Alps live in urban areas. Yet the topic of “towns” tends to be neglected in the context of mountain areas. With the report “Alpine Towns” and this conference, we want to focus for once on the Alpine settlement system. This should help to anticipate trends in the Alps so that good solutions for the future can be developed already today.
For more details on the Alpine Towns Conference, check out the link here!