Learn more about this event here.
The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) is hosting its 2nd Annual Knowledge Sharing Summit from June 6th to 9th.
This year’s theme is Indigenous Knowledge & Science: Moving Mountains & Beyond.
The Knowledge Sharing Summit brings together Indigenous organizations and communities, university researchers, government, business, and not-for-profit partners to showcase CMN’s work and create opportunities for networking and collaboration.
June 6 – Training Day. An afternoon of workshop-type sessions geared to supporting network members, Hubs, Projects, and trainees. Includes a presentation on how to create a podcast on knowledge mobilization.
June 7-8 – Summit Days. Full days of presentations interspersed with engagement opportunities
June 9 (Post Conference) – Research Networking Day (invite only). Morning of networking and collaboration opportunities for CMN research teams & partners.
Goals of the Summit:
Engage the CMN community of research teams, collaborators, extended community, and the general public.
Mobilize knowledge created within the Network, or with the support of CMN.
Inform and raise awareness about opportunities and challenges for mountain systems across Canada and internationally.
If you want to register, click here!