Learn more about this event here.

The Canadian Mountain Network (CMN) is hosting its 2nd Annual Knowledge Sharing Summit from June 6th to 9th.

This year’s theme is Indigenous Knowledge & Science: Moving Mountains & Beyond.

The Knowledge Sharing Summit brings together Indigenous organizations and communities, university researchers, government, business, and not-for-profit partners to showcase CMN’s work and create opportunities for networking and collaboration.

June 6 – Training Day. An afternoon of workshop-type sessions geared to supporting network members, Hubs, Projects, and trainees. Includes a presentation on how to create a podcast on knowledge mobilization.

June 7-8 – Summit Days. Full days of presentations interspersed with engagement opportunities 

June 9 (Post Conference) – Research Networking Day (invite only). Morning of networking and collaboration opportunities for CMN research teams & partners.

Goals of the Summit:
  • Engage the CMN community of research teams, collaborators, extended community, and the general public.

  • Mobilize knowledge created within the Network, or with the support of CMN.

  • Inform and raise awareness about opportunities and challenges for mountain systems across Canada and internationally.


If you want to register, click here!