Looking Back but also Forward: The UN Year for Sustainable Mountain Development Comes to a Close

“Mountains are our origins and mountains are our solutions,” declared Wu Zhimin, Director of the Forestry Division for FAO, at the beginning of the closing ceremonies of the UN International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development in his role as moderator. This idea carried on throughout the entire conversation from forestry, to conservation, to genetics. Dongyu [...]

ICIMOD and GMBA: Multi-methods in conservation and development to achieve the SDGs

Are you interested in how to achieve the United Nations SDGs? Curious about the intersections of the various SDGs in practice? Are you invested in how development practitioners and conservationists collaborate, co-create, and intersect in their methods? Mountain Sentinel network partners GMBA and ICIMOD authored a paper alongside PhD student Biraj Adhikari that sparks exciting [...]

Special Issue: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of Mountain and Island Systems

Biologists have long been fascinated by islands and island-like systems, such as mountain tops and edaphic islands, due to their unique biotas and high endemism resulting from their geographical and environmental isolation. These systems have been referred to as natural laboratories for studying evolutionary processes, dispersal, establishment, and adaptive radiation. Lineages that have adapted to [...]

By |2023-05-06T05:20:18-06:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: Mountain Sustainability, Opportunities|Tags: , |

President Biden Signs Executive Order to Embed Environmental Justice Across Federal Agencies

President Biden and Vice President Harris have made it a priority to ensure that all individuals have access to clean air, water, and healthy communities. To that end, President Biden has signed an executive order further embedding environmental justice into the work of federal agencies. The order is part of the administration's whole-of-government effort to [...]

By |2023-05-06T05:20:21-06:00April 25th, 2023|Categories: Mountain Sentinels Blog|
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